Sunday, January 29, 2012


20 January 2012, Friday

I meet my supervisor to show him the title of Final Year Project. These are the list of the title:

1. Emotional Stress Indicator
2. Cough Monitoring System
3. Heartbeat Monitor with LCD Display

I explain to Sir Zul about the first title. When the indicator detect the stress, LED on and there is warning beep. This device uses skin response meter - resistance. If the person relax, the resistance is about 2 Mega Ohms. If the person stress, the resistance is below 500 kilo Ohms.

Sir Zul agree with my first topic. He asked me to find another reading (resistance) of stress and which part of the body can detect the stress. It will be my second job to do the work. So my project to do is EMOTIONAL STRESS INDICATOR.

Wish me luck! Thank you!

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  1. haha muka saya ada dalam ini blog lah haha

  2. haha baik kn aq. xnk la glamor sorg2. ajak ko la bole glamor sama2. hehe


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